Monday, June 25, 2007

The Health Club 300 Workout

The Health Club 300

It can be difficult at times to be able to do a 300 workout in a health club setting. Often at peak times with many members moving in and out of your personal space it can be a real hassle.

With this in mind, I’ve created a 300 workout you can do in a small space by using one piece of large equipment such as a power cage or smith machine. Then, add in some dumbbells and you have room for your complete health club 300 workout program.

Here’s what you’ll need for your out-of-the-way space:

A) Smith machine or power cage

a. For pull-up rows and dead-lifts

B) Set of dumbbells

a. For presses, lunges, and side-to-side rotations

Here’s your 300 workout – complete 30 repetitions on each exercise:

  1. Push-ups
  2. Dead lifts on a Smith machine or power cage
  3. Pull-up rows on a Smith machine or power cage
  4. One-arm clean and press
  5. Jumping Jacks
  6. Bench reverse crunches
  7. Push press with dumbbells
  8. Mountain Climbers
  9. Lunges with dumbbells
  10. Seated Russian twists with dumbbell

Remember to first do a dynamic type of warm-up movement for 2-3 minutes like jumping jacks. No weight is listed because, as a general program, you must determine your own weight to be used based on your current level of ability, i.e. not what you think you should be using; but what you should realistically be using!

Some common sense rules:

  1. Experiment to find your proper dumbbell weight.
  2. Always use a light weight (lighter that what you think you'd normally use) in your first workout using this program for reasons of safety and caution.
  3. Complete all 30 reps in a given exercise before you move to the next one.

For a visual demonstration with moving animation and exercise descriptions please CLICK HERE.

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