Thursday, October 18, 2007

300 Workouts Now Available at

300 Workouts are now available in our Xpress Workouts website! Xpress Workouts features results-driven exercise programs that will take you 30 minutes or less to complete. We have several categories to choose from such as home workouts, functional training, mass building, fat burning, and our 300 Workouts! So, with along with our 300 Workout programs you also gain access to all our workouts in the other fitness categories.

I was going to make several separate websites for each category but decided to consolidate them all within one site. This saves money for everyone since they get all workout categories for one low price instead of paying for each individual site.

But, we still offer you the option of purchasing individual workout programs by going to our Pre-Packaged site.

Visit our Xpress Workouts site to see all that we have to offer you!

The Magic of 300

What’s so magical about 300 Repetitions?

While there is nothing magical about the number 300 there is magic in what you can do with it when it comes to your workout routine.

Certainly, you can do 10 exercises for 3 sets of 10 repetitions and get a 300 repetition total. But, like a standard recipe it’s only a generalization that fitness enthusiasts have been doing for years. If it so happens to match their specific goal they’ll get a positive result. More often than not it doesn’t.

How and what you do with your 300 repetitions in a workout is what gets you to your goal with a positive result. The choice of exercise, the ratio of repetitions, the form you use, the range of motion, the speed of the repetition and the rest periods between exercises all have an effect on your result. Choose the wrong combination and it’ll take you longer to reach your goal or not reach it at all.

In our 300 workouts we devise the workout based on the goal you wish to attain. We then strategically design the workout to have you reach that goal. In other words, we take that standard recipe and add spice and flavor to have it match your specific taste; in this case, your goal.

For example, if you desire to get lean and develop a fit body that can handle many physical tasks your workout has to prepare you for that goal. You’d have to choose exercises that focus on full range of movement and that hit muscle groups at a time rather than isolating one muscle. Your repetitions may vary anywhere between 8-25 repetitions dependent upon the exercise and movement.

If you desire a more muscular build that also can perform in weekend sports you’d need to make adjustments for that goal. Your exercises may now include heavier free weight exercises with lower repetitions and longer rest periods. Specific exercises which require core stability using multiple muscle groups would also need to be incorporated for an athletic and functional capacity.

So, you see, it’s not just 300 repetitions – its how and what you do with those 300 repetitions that works magic for you.

Robert Garza, CPT, RTS